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They also hope to make them easier to find, customize and execute. We have designed our contracts and agreements in such a way so as to make it easy to download and complete on your computer. Another thing you can do is to just create the form yourself based on what you find in the websites provided in this article (or other free legal agreements websites), and then have a lawyer review it if you must to be safe – but you’ll save a lot by creating the form first. Pledge of Personal Property as Collateral Security. The variety of contracts on this site is very expansive, and I found everything from contracts for your own children to contracts establishing the creation of a business. Best of all, this information is entirely free, and unlike other prettier, fancier sites, you don’t even have to sign up for anything. If you're looking for a good book on Mobile, this is the one. How do you get people to talk about your app. Docracy is a social repository of contracts, legal agreements and other legal documents. Resolution - Acceptance of Offer to Exchange Realty for Shares of Corporation. How to write a car sale deposit receipt. A good contract ensures that you and your client have the same expectations, and protects you in case things go south. Agreement Settling Boundary Line Dispute. Who will own the rights to the work, and when. Petition For Authority To Operate Decedent's Businesses. Assignment of Contract for Deed by Seller. So how did the ones that purport to be between actual parties get onto the site. Loan obligations restructuring options restructuring of loan request for business customers at swedbank. However, as we all know, hiring an attorney to do legal work can be terribly expensive. Nothing against them making money, but for the average person, it’s not always an option. California-based OneCLE is the go-to free legal agreements site for simply browsing contracts. Waiver of Notice of First Meeting of the Shareholders.