Company Response Welcome If complaints about your company appear on our site, we welcome your response. I then checked the Freddie Mac guidelines and found that a 75% LTV was acceptable. I convinced them to go with that on a second attempt. Then, I got a call from CashCall saying they lied and they are not going to pay anything. The information on this Web site is general in nature and is not intended as a substitute for competent legal advice. For more information, see about us, FAQ and privacy policy. I called in to make a payment on my loan 3 days before the due date. Again, I would not hesitate to recommend CashCall Mortgage. Then, they offered me to pay $3,060 over my 15 year mortgage. I was excited; however, after hearing the interest cash call mortgage and the terms of the loan, I passed. So how are people from FL and other states getting hit by these people. They were a nightmare to work with, never returned calls, dishonest, rude and unprofessional. We listened to the ad on TV where you could borrow $10,000 no matter what your credit. As warned by Jamie at Western Sky, I am paying $4,000.00 for a $1,000.00 loan. I asked "WILL YOU LOCK IN THIS RATE." I hit a nerve. I borrowed money in December 2011 for $2,550 and make payments of $295 per month, and I have already made payment of more than $3,000 to this company. I asked the question and changed the tone of my "relationship" with the sales rep. There are a few ways that you can work from home 19 legitimately make money from home. I called their 888 number and spoke with one of their representatives. They locked rate for me before appraisal even though letter says they wont. I am paying off this fraudulent loan in a few days and advise any others who are considering this service to look elsewhere. Their rate are better and they don't charge any upfront fees such as appraisal fees and all.
Looking For Hard MoneyI was told I needed to send them a cashier's check to cover impounds costs and insurance but would get returned to me. I told him so and to please get back with me regarding new figures and he never called back. In two separate instances, they wanted information that I had previously provided. We signed another escrow two weeks later and sent in more money to their escrow company. My loan processor was on top of everything - Tracy turned my refi around in exactly 3 weeks from my initial application. makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information herein provided and assumes no liability for any damages or loss arising from the use thereof. You get a $1,000 loan and will have to pay back over $4,000 before it is all over. Texas usda mortgage com specializes usda texas mortgage in first and second mortgages,. I am being sued by cash call, what can i do. Somehow, I feel as though I was set up so that I can pay them way more money than what I borrowed. I had to return a couple items in terms of paperwork that I didnt quite get why they were asking for them, but all in all - it was quick, easy and free. The impact has been that I have now incurred late fees, credit card fees and probably, most importantly my credit in all likelihood has been impacted. Debtor frequently asked questions how ch 13 bankruptcy question long after i complete my chapter. As a result, I was charged bank fees and overages. Now keep in mind that I already had sent my tax information twice earlier back in April. Nothing but a loan shark hiding behind Western Sky cash call mortgage - I called Western Sky for a $1,000.00 loan. When I called to voice my complaints with them, no one can help me. We are filing a chapter 7 to get out from under our credit card debt and payday loan debt, including them. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky persons to get someone competent, I was not that lucky. 
I spoke with my insurance agent who advised me that they can't mandate I change my insurance to suit them. A couple of days later, I got a call from the appraisal company and booked an appointment. While banks are traditional sources of need private money financing for real estate, and other. I spoke with a manager Mike who promised he would figure this out. I expected more professionalism and honesty from my mortgage holder.
Search All Used VehiclesEvery other bank/mortgage company locks in the rate upon application. Could not be a better, easier experience. It appears that Cash Call Mortgage is a bucket shop operation with marginal ability to perform. I requested a loan in the amount of $2,600.00 and the company approved the loan and charged me a fee. I followed his instructions cash call mortgage as what to fax to them. I had problems with Cashcall from the very beginning. Then when I told her I paid a utility bill twice, she asked me, "Well, don't you pay that every month." And where did I get the extra money from. We just moved and had to pay a lot of deposits which cut in to our budget. Representative are rude and not knowledgable. In the case of a contract for the loan of consumer installment loans vendor reseller money, the consumer avails himself of the. So, I complained about false advertisement and false promise. I had to close escrow without a loan by using all of my cash that I had saved for retirement. Yes, I finally closed, but the total and incomprehensible lack of communication is what drives me crazy. Reviews of cash call mortgage i heard the radio ad and was skeptical, but i. I signed with the notary and that was about it. They made it sound so helpful and a chance to pay off some bills, but we could only get $1,000 which then they took it upon themselves to also take a $15 fee out of our account without our knowledge. If you are thinking about borrowing money from either of these companies, don't do it. This is just one tiny example of the repeated deadhead, incompetent, lazy and stupid individuals that I had the misfortune to have working on the refinance. Had I known they were going to deposit and hold the wrong amount, I would have either sent in only the $200 difference or transferred funds from my savings to cover both amounts from the payments. I received my first loan from Cashcall in 2011 and paid them off. Like many, I heard the radio add and called in. Need a sample business plans for a restaurant, bakery, cafe,. I had great experience the first time in my life dealing with refi.